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#201297 - 30/01/2004 08:00 "Real World" occupation

Registered: 18/08/2002
Posts: 544
Loc: New Jersey
Every day i come to work and log on to this board and find the same members joining in for lively and productive discussions. Now I wonder, what do we all do for a living that we are able to multi-task like this?

It would be fun to see this information!

So I will be the first: I am the Treasurer of an International Bank located in Manhattan with a private office, thus my ability to 'secretly' log on freely!

Anybody else care to contribute?

...One man gathers what another man spills

#201298 - 30/01/2004 08:11 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 19/01/2002
Posts: 3584
Loc: Columbus, OH
Software developer for a company that does educational administration software (grades, attendance, financial, lunch, transportation, etc...). Much of the software I develop is browser-based, so I'm on the net all day anyway. Currently programming in FlashMX and doing Flash Remoting with PHPObject. cool stuff.
~ John

#201299 - 30/01/2004 08:33 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 17/01/2002
Posts: 3996
Loc: Manchester UK
Kind of spend half my time swearing at Qt in Windows and Linux developing device drivers for a broadcast control and automation system and the other half swearing at various bit of broadcast equipment in apps rooms/studios/control rooms/edit suites/graphics areas.

I've almost always got a computer of some description in front of me, so reading and posting on the forum is pretty easy.

Andy M

#201300 - 30/01/2004 08:43 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 14/01/2002
Posts: 2858
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Software developer working for the U.S. military as a contractor. As for my ability to post here . . . I just take frequent breaks and look over my shoulder when posting! (As long as I get my work done, no one seems to mind, really).
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.

#201301 - 30/01/2004 08:48 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: andym]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 10/06/1999
Posts: 5916
Loc: Wivenhoe, Essex, UK
I'm an independant software developer, though in the last 7 years I spent 6 years working for the same customer ( ) designing their CRM software, so "independant" is stretching it a bit. Just spent the last 8 months working on back end software used to drive various holiday company websites ( and ). I am now working on a tool for analysing MIDI files for . Hoping to go back and work for Onyx again later in the year (assuming they don't got bust or get bought out in the meantime).

I work from home a lot and even when I'm in an office the people I choose to work for tend to be very understanding, so checking the BBS occasionally has never been a problem.

I'd hate to work for one of these companies who frown on people checking a website a couple of times a day, yet allow smokers to stand around chatting for an hour or more a day...

P.S. thanks to my current project, I'll probably be asking questions here about midi and musical notation soon
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday

#201302 - 30/01/2004 08:51 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: JeffS]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 15/08/2000
Posts: 4859
Loc: New Jersey, USA

Computer / internet engineer for a major US Telegraph company. Because I deal with internal web hosting and extranet servers all day, including firewalls and proxies. I am constantly on-line with one thing or another. Having an extra browser window up with the BBS is just a handy reference for many various topics.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs

#201303 - 30/01/2004 09:11 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 18/01/2000
Posts: 5683
Loc: London, UK
Computer Programmer. Mostly Windows stuff, particularly MFC. Currently working for a startup that doesn't have any offices yet, so I'm working from home, which means that I've got nobody looking over my shoulder.
-- roger

#201304 - 30/01/2004 09:17 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]

Registered: 11/01/2001
Posts: 579
Well my lousey typeing and spelling not with standing

I have been a Network Administrator for 15 years now, currently at Intel Hillsboro camp.

Spelling and grammer are because I have Mild Dislexia, when I look at my own typeing it looks fine to me unless I spend 20 mins or so stareing at it.
Oddly enough if you don't count spelling and grammer skills I was in the top 5% of the state on my SAT my IQ is well over Genius level and I don't seem to have any problems with Vlans, Network Packets or tcp/ip ports just have problems with writting and grammer.

Dyslexia Basics
The first president of the United States, George Washington, was dyslexic. So was Albert Einstein. Dyslexia, which comes from the Greek meaning “difficulty with words,” is a language-based learning disability. It affects the ability of a person — even one with above-average intelligence — to read, write and spell. Dyslexics also may have problems putting things in order, following instructions, and differentiating between left and right.
Thought to be genetic and hereditary, some forms of dyslexia can also be caused when hearing problems at an early age affect a person’s language comprehension skills. Doctors still don’t know for sure what causes dyslexia, but they say there is a correlation between left-handedness and the learning disability in many families. It is estimated that one in 10 children is dyslexic. And more males are affected than females.

______________________________________ Do not meddle in the affairs of Network Administrators, for they are subtle and quick to anger. ______________________________________ Worlds Lamest Wb Site (mine)

#201305 - 30/01/2004 09:53 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]

Registered: 14/07/2002
Posts: 344
Loc: South Carolina
Customer Support for a software company that does educational administration software (same company as Meatballman). I support and debug the software and write simple vb code. My knowledge of programming is very simple and limited to vb currently and I've only been in that for a little over a year. I can read the code fairly well and understand it but actually writing complex code I've yet to tackle. Hopefully one of these days I'll get back to school for a CS degree.
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." Vince Lombardi

#201306 - 30/01/2004 10:05 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]

Registered: 14/08/2000
Posts: 468
Loc: Penarth, UK
I thought I was paid to spend all day on the internet reading forums.
- --
Rod, UK

#201307 - 30/01/2004 10:05 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: russmeister]

Registered: 02/06/2000
Posts: 1996
Loc: Gothenburg, Sweden
Logistics & second line support for a web based data capture application (programmer/consultant on a long term contract) - but my presence on the BBS is 99% from home; usually a quick check in the morning before leaving for work, then in the evening. As I'm in Europe, the timezones makes my evening about the same a worktime in the US/Canada.


#201308 - 30/01/2004 10:06 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]

Registered: 11/01/2002
Posts: 612
Loc: Reading, UK
I work for BT in the UK
A variety of things, some commercial, some technical (mainly architectural now but been known to code now and again)

I was involved in the BT/Yahoo! 'partnership' (fun - and better IMHO than BT/MSN)
Now looking at some big wholesale system transformations.

Work at home a lot - but quite busy so not much time to post

LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's

#201309 - 30/01/2004 10:08 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: russmeister]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 23/08/2000
Posts: 3826
Animator for LucasArts... the Lucas games company. Here's a little panorama we took yesterday of the animation pit for Republic Commando... I'm the second guy from the left. Notice the first guy, the animation lead, has his browser open to It's pretty lax as long as we get our work done.

|| loren ||

#201310 - 30/01/2004 10:17 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]

Registered: 10/02/2003
Posts: 78
Loc: St. Louis, MO
Civil Engineer for consulting firm in St. Louis. International and general aviation airport design and layout in the off-peak construction months. Construction inspection, resident engineer in the summers.

Pretty laid back in my cube area.

#201311 - 30/01/2004 10:29 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: mardibloke]
old hand

Registered: 14/08/2001
Posts: 886
Loc: London, UK
Mardibloke might think that's what he is paid for. I know that's what I'm paid for though.

edsmiata - got any jobs going? Have experience, will travel, have miata.

Currently define customer site support strategy for a big news, media, information and technology company (the one with the white microphones and dotty logo)
Mk2a RioCar 120Gb - now sold to the owner of my old car
Rio Karma - now on ebay...

#201312 - 30/01/2004 10:32 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 27/06/1999
Posts: 7058
Loc: Pittsburgh, PA
Software Engineer for The Vanguard Group of Investment Companies. I mainly work on our security infrastructure, particularly the software that handles authentication and authorization of user accounts on our various WWW and intranet sites.

The reason I can multitask is because everything in our development environments is so slow that I have time to squeeze in 3 or 4 BBS posts while my Websphere app server restarts.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff

#201313 - 30/01/2004 10:42 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]
old hand

Registered: 12/01/2000
Posts: 1079
Loc: Dallas, TX
I spend part of my time as a lab tech in a optical lab, and the other half of my time working as a MRP developer/programmer for a small telecom company. Anyone know of any MRP software thats reasonably priced and will work with quickbooks?

#201314 - 30/01/2004 10:44 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 25/12/2000
Posts: 16706
Loc: Raleigh, NC US
I'm a Unix systems administrator for a certain northern Carolina state department of transportation. I can post this much because I have very little to do. Of course, the reason that I'm so high in the post ranking is because I spent my year of unemployement posting to this board.
Bitt Faulk

#201315 - 30/01/2004 10:45 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]

Registered: 06/02/2002
Posts: 1904
Loc: Leeds, UK
I'm a Broadband Customer Service Coach (ie fancy type of engineer) for a large telco here in the UK.

This means that most of the time I have Broadband available to me "for testing"

Today I am sat in a cyber cafe on Tott. Court Road in London.

I need a beer....



#201316 - 30/01/2004 10:50 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: tonyc]

Registered: 18/08/2002
Posts: 544
Loc: New Jersey
..interesting.....all testosterone so far!!!!
...One man gathers what another man spills

#201317 - 30/01/2004 10:54 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: Cris]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 18/01/2000
Posts: 5683
Loc: London, UK
I need a beer....

Me too...
-- roger

#201318 - 30/01/2004 11:03 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]

Registered: 25/08/2000
Posts: 2413
Chief Technical Officer - mostly a machine tool designer with the occasional software project oversight, occasional MIS work and generally greasing the company wheels. Small company ($20-30 million gross) with about 30 employees. I'm in charge of new product design, as well as bringing various vendors on-line for sourcing current products. I get to spend money and have things made to spec. It's like playing lego with no rules.


#201319 - 30/01/2004 11:04 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: Roger]

Registered: 06/02/2002
Posts: 1904
Loc: Leeds, UK
Well I'm going to be in Onanon in Picc Circus from 1900



#201320 - 30/01/2004 11:26 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: Cris]
Master Boot Logo(er)

Registered: 26/08/2003
Posts: 525
Loc: California
I'm a security access control supervisor working at Adobe Systems in San Jose Ca.
I mainly create, program , and update photo id access cards for 24 of Adobe's 26 offices
world wide but also manage security helpdesk requests including locks, keys, access, etc.
I have my own office and spend the entire work day on the computer so checking bbs is no prob.
The only thing that bugs me is that every time I go to reply or post on the bbs, I get interrupted
by a call for a request or a walk-in for a badge. It never fails, but I guess the customer comes first.
Good thing though is that occasionally I get a fine female come in to take their photo for a badge.
Hee hee, I'm well know with the ladies around here since I'm one of the first people the come
in contact with once hired.
Here is a photo of the San Jose headquarters.

199894-Adobe.jpg (175 downloads)

Edited by skunknumber1 (30/01/2004 11:26)
aka: [color:"blue"]Boot Logo Master[/color]
PayPal Contributions for Custom Boot Logos are gladly accepted. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

#201321 - 30/01/2004 11:49 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]

Registered: 19/06/2000
Posts: 1495
Loc: US: CA
Software Engineer / Web Developer / Linux Administrator for Schurman Fine Papers / Papyrus Stores

Posting is no big deal since I am in front of a computer all day, always have a browser open, and I always get my work done. Of course, I rarely ever leave on time, too.

#201322 - 30/01/2004 11:56 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]

Registered: 11/06/2003
Posts: 384
A Unix/network/security/Windows/systems engineer, for a company in San Diego that makes clinical information systems.


#201323 - 30/01/2004 11:58 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]

Registered: 09/09/2000
Posts: 2303
Loc: Richmond, VA
Software Developer for a consulting company called RWD Technologies -- I work on a training management system there. Odd jobs by night They're pretty cool here, so as long as I get things done, nobody cares.

#201324 - 30/01/2004 11:58 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: Skunk]

Registered: 09/08/2000
Posts: 2091
Loc: Edinburgh, Scotland
I am a senior information security consultant - and mostly I stop banks and global multinationals being hacked. I develop security policies and procedures and manage security projects, but I also enjoy a bit of hands on wardriving, ethical hacking and full on attacks (including physical penetration of datacentres. Damn good fun)

And although I work for an accountancy firm - one of the big four that still has a good reputation, you may have heard of us...Ernst & Young - my background is in engineering and computing: nearly 28 years designing computer networks, programming and troubleshooting, a degree in Electronic Engineering and various qualifications in Irix, Solaris, Linux, Cisco, Symbol, Telxon and Checkpoint products.

On an amateur basis I help design websites for small businesses.

Although all I want to do is be a famous rock guitar player<sigh>
MkIIa, blue lit buttons, memory upgrade, 1Tb in Subaru Forester STi
MkII, 240Gb in Mark Lord dock
MkII, 80Gb SSD in dock

#201325 - 30/01/2004 12:30 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31593
Loc: Seattle, WA
what do we all do for a living that we are able to multi-task like this?
Do for a living? Not me, heck no. I've cut the soles out of my shoes, I'm living in a tree, and learning how to play the flute.
Tony Fabris

#201326 - 30/01/2004 12:34 Re: "Real World" occupation [Re: edsmiata]

Registered: 17/05/2002
Posts: 148
Loc: Cape Town, South Africa
I'm a sysadmin/coder for an ISP in Cape Town, South Africa. I maintain the provider's infrastructure and develop their (my) management and CRM system. All my work is BSD, Cisco, and Lucent oriented.

I don't post all that often, but find this board an indispensable source of information. I think it attracts one of the biggest groups of seriously skilled and intellectually gifted individuals of most places online, which is really cool!


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